The broad band Era has arrived as the information superhighway in the form of high speed connections to the home reaches the doorsteps. the impact of this revolution will be profound ultimately touching all aspects of our lives, from the way we recieve news, information, and entertainment to the way we communicate with others around the globe. Education, health care, commerce, and civic affairs will all be affected as advanced telecommunications services via cable, telephone lines, fiber optics, or wireless connections that link telephones, televisions computers and appliances yet to be invented become a central part of our daily lives.
We have already begun to get glimpse of this interactive future, as cable internet services in introduced as digital televisioni makes its debut, and as high speed telephone service become more widely available. there will be other breakouts to be sure, but there are no guarantees that the public intrest will be served as the broadband market place evolves. Ironically, the more things that become possible in the online environment, the more imperative it is for the nonprofit sector and other independent voices to establish a secure foothold in the new digital landscape. the higher the bandwidth the higher the stakes, in short, for those who fall behind now in the broadband revolution are at risk of never catching up.